Saturday, October 9, 2010

Operation Ireland is a Go (10-4)

How exciting, my very first post! I am pretty excited to be documenting my attempts  to study abroad again, along with little tid bits throughout the year. One mistake I made the last time I studied abroad was that I didn't blog about it. Sure I had my little journal with me, but I was too afraid to share what I saw. I studied abroad in Spain the summer of 2009 and when I returned home I promised I would not let the next travel experience go by unwritten. I experienced so much there that I only truly expressed with myself, but now I really want to show people what I have seen.

As of now I am planning my next study abroad program to Ireland for the summer of 2011.I have officially titled it "Operation Ireland." I have thought about this program since I returned from my last trip so I have known for awhile that I was going back across the sea. I guess the process is going alright. Scholarships are at a minimum, but my savings is pretty stable. For the past couple of weeks I have been pretty stressed out about it; everything is moving so fast. From planning this trip to preparing for my senior year, everything is piling up. I am hoping that writing this all down will keep me motivated so wish me luck!

This blog will not only be documenting my Operation Ireland planning, but also the moments where I feel out of my element. I feel that when you experience and deal with being out of your comfort zone, magic happens (cheesy). Anyhow, that's how I feel and that's what I want to represent.

I realized that I don't have to be abroad to discover the world. My home has enough to see that I have yet to experience.



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