Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What the Feck does "Suckin the Diesel" mean?

Today I have found a new obsession...Irish slang. You can say its a prep for this summer, but it has truly become one of the most addicting topics to look up. It's like another language, and like foreign language, I am so excited to learn it enough to use it! I guess that what its all about isn't it? Learning a language can't be fun unless you are planning to use it. Why force another verb tense down your throat when you know you are not going to travel or even try to practice while traveling? So I guess now I do feel sorry for those journalism majors out there who do not have any intention of leaving the United States and wish to stay inside there bubble and are forced to take a foreign language... Okay, that sounded a little mean, but I have to be honest, that is what it feels like. I'm not saying that its a bad thing, but maybe it will hit a chord with people when they want to actually choose a language.

Don't choose one just because it seems like the easiest, or its the one you think is better for a job (I can assure you, whatever it is, it's not). Look at the places that you want to visit or the culture that excites you. I made the mistake of taking Spanish in college because I thought continuing what I learned in high school would be a breeze. And don't get me wrong, I love EspaƱol, but there is one destination on  my mind that I should have considered in my foreign language: Greece. Why not learn the language of a place that I am dying to go to, and a place where I love every minute of their history? Speech aside, my new obsession with Irish slang has definitely got me "excira" and I hope it is a "gas" to someone who happens to take a "gander"...

P.S. that last sentence was in my Irish accent in case you were wondering :)


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